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Easter Egg Natural Dyes - Kitchen Chemistry for Kids!

Posted by Urban Infant Team on

Dying Easter eggs with your little ones is a simple tradition that can be fun for the whole family. Why not change it up this year and try using ingredients you might already have in...

Simple Lunch Ideas for Toddlers with Food Allergies

Posted by Urban Infant Team on

Toddler Food Allergies According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 13 children (or about 2 students per average preschool classroom) have food allergies. In other words, an estimated 8% of children in the...

5 Fun and Easy Sidewalk Chalk Activities to Crush Springtime Boredom

Posted by Kelly Friedl on

Springtime is a time of new life … and, as most parents know, new and endless kid energy! Early spring especially seems to be full of “stir crazy” kids who want nothing more than to...

Making Valentine Memories with Your Little Loves

Posted by Kelly Friedl on

Valentine’s Day can sometimes come with high expectations for parents. Making sure all your child’s classmates and friends get their valentines, sending cards to family and friends, spending time with your partner or spouse... all...

Keep It Low-Key with a Winter Sleep-Under

Posted by Urban Infant Team on

How to Plan a Cozy Party and Still Get Some Sleep
Whether your kids are too young to spend a whole night away, or you just don’t want to be up at all hours of the night with tiny, giggly humans, a sleep-under party is a great solution