Tiny Food Critics. When Your Child is a Picky Eater.
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Picky eating is no joke for many parents of toddlers. It can be exhausting to worry constantly about your tiny food critic. Are they getting enough nutrition? Is there something more than picky eating going on? Are you going to have to send them to college with a thousand jars of peanut butter in their suitcase?
While there are some kids who may be experiencing eating issues that require outside assistance, picky eating in toddlers is very common and developmentally appropriate. Of course, knowing it’s normal doesn’t make it any less frustrating when your culinary masterpieces are flung to the floor!
Just what makes these little tots so particular? And is there a magical answer to the picky eating problem?
Toddler Appetites Slow Down
Babies grow so rapidly that they seem to always be hungry. It can be surprising for new parents when their little one’s appetite slows down suddenly as their physical growth slows in the toddler years. If you’ve noticed your toddler’s appetite slowing down, but they still eat a variety of foods, it might just be that they don’t need quite as many calories anymore. (Don’t worry, they’ll go through a growth spurt and start eating you out of house and home again before you know it.)
Food Preferences Emerge
Babies and toddlers have more taste buds than adults, and this can make them a little - or a lot - more particular about taste than they’ll be in a few years. If your toddler has a new favorite food one day and spits it on the floor in disgust the next, they may just be reacting to their rapidly changing taste buds and exploring their new preferences. Keep offering a variety of foods, because you never know what “yucks” will become “yums” as their preferences develop.
“I Do It Myself!”
Some picky eaters are simply asserting their autonomy as they hit the famous “I do it myself!” stage of life. You can offer to let your little one help you choose and prepare foods with you, or even have them help you pack their own special toddler lunch box by giving them some nutritious choices and letting them pack it themselves.
It’s Not You, It’s Evolution
Ever wonder why little ones tend to avoid the healthiest foods the most, like broccoli and spinach? It might be because in nature, bitterness often signals that something may be poisonous. So next time your toddler gags at the kale chips you made, remember that their tongues might just be trying to keep them away from dangerous plants!
Try, Try Again
The most important thing to remember is that often, picky eating is a normal phase for toddlers to go through. Keep consistently offering healthy choices and helping your child try a variety of foods. If your child’s picky eating is affecting their weight gain or development, your pediatrician can help suggest ideas for adding nutrition and calories to their diet. In the meantime, remember that it can take many times of being exposed to a food before children become interested in trying it!